NEWS: what's happening in the building?

Monday, August 25, 2008

Christmas Tree Ornaments --- Need local artist in the 4th District

I know this is really short notice....

But you get the Christmas Tree Ornaments this week....then sent it back to DC October 1st..
Let me now what you think... e-mail me or call 773/342-0774

As a reminder - Mrs. Bush invited each Member of Congress to submit a name of an artist from his state/district/territory to decorate an ornament that will be displayed on the main White House Christmas tree – the Blue Room tree. Thus far, we have not received an artist’s name from your Member, but because Mrs. Bush and her office want full congressional participation, we have extended the deadline until next Wednesday, August 27, 2008 for submissions.

A few quick details

· Your Member selects an artist to design an ornament that will displayed this holiday season on the Blue Room Christmas tree at the White House

· Your office faxes the name and contact information of the artist to 202-456-3210 NO LATER than Wednesday, August 27, 2008

· Upon receipt of the fax, the artist will receive his ornament (a six-inch round plastic ball that can be decorated in any medium by any method with any design as long as the size of the ornament does not increase tremendously or the images are inappropriate) to decorate.

· The artist must mail the ornament back by October 1, 2008

· Artists who participate and return their ornaments will be invited to the White House during the holiday season to view their design on the Blue Room tree.

Noemi Galvez
Congressional Aide
Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez
2201 W. North Ave.
Chicago, IL 60622
Tel. (773) 342-0774 Fax (773) 342-0776

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Studio 307 MOVING to Studio 352

Greetings from Joe Sikora and Liz Tuckwell!
There is a lot of art activity happening these days and we want to let you know about it!
Firstly, Studio 307 is MOVING! We will now be located in Studio 352 of the Flat Iron Building. The first Friday in September we will be having a private event in our new studio to unveil the studio and show our newest works…(stay tuned for details).

Currently, we are also running several shows of our newest works within the city and have paintings hanging at the following venues:

The Logan Bar on California and Milwaukee.
Performance Chiropractic Center on Jackson and Des Plains
The Partonadieri Hair Salon on Wells and Illinois

We encourage you to stop by any of these locations and view the artwork!
This Saturday, August 9th, marks the first Milwaukee Ave. Arts festival. (See attached flyer) It is produced by the same folks who produce the Pitchfork festival and should be a ton of fun! We will be located at the elastic arts foundation booth. The festival takes place at Fireman’s Park at Kimball and Milwaukee from 12- 9pm. Join us and other artists for a day of art, live bands, and festivities! And it is all FREE!

We will also be participating in the ART on Track event, the largest mobile gallery show in Chicago. The CTA will be turning several of its orange line trains into moving art galleries, showcasing the works of many local Chicago artists! This will be on August 30 and will circle the loop from 6pm -10pm. What a way to experience art!

Lastly, the weekend of September 12-14th is the Flat Iron’s Smart Show. Join us for a weekend filled with art and fun!

Stay tuned for more details.
Looking forward to seeing you all very soon!
Thank you for your continuous support.

Much Love,
Liz Tuckwell and Jospeh Sikora

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


When I painted for you before, I tried to tell you about the eminent end of the world. You never listened. It was too hard for you to comprehend. So I met with my backers and they forced me to reconsider my angle of inclination to act and actions. Now I present to you,


Forget about the end, let’s talk about now. Now is the time to remember the way to be for a better present day. Yes, be like Oprah, Obama, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, or even the Shroud of Turin, if you can - just a little. If you must, just a bit. I urge you, I employ you, I command you to be nice.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Slawek Murawski - Sculptor

In my subconsciousness I expect acceptance of my creativity and contact with other people on the basis of artistic performance. My works of sculpture give me the courage in the struggle with the vanquishing of material reality. Link